Meet our New Doctors part 1: Chris Roberts D.V.M.

Dr. Roberts has California roots, but grew up in Oklahoma. He attended the University of Oklahoma for his undergraduate education where he received a Bachelor of Science degree. He then traveled to Missouri and earned his doctorate in veterinary medicine from the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Roberts professional interests are in the areas of general surgery, clinical pathology, and neurology. In his spare time, Dr. Roberts he enjoys sports, traveling, and hiking. His best friend is…

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Gastropexy – the Why, What, and How!

Bloat, or gastric dilatation volvulus (GDV), can be a scary life threatening condition in dogs. Dr. Tampira  – a veterinarian at Las Vegas’s own Craig Road Animal Hospital, talks about a procedure to prevent this life threatening condition and what breeds are at most risk from bloat / GDV.  By Orlena Tampira, DVM A gastropexy is a surgical procedure to prevent a condition called gastric dilitation volvulus (GDV). GDV is when the stomach turns on itself causing a restriction of…

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phone: 702.645.0331
fax: 702.645.5009

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5051 W. Craig Road Las Vegas, NV 89130
Business Hours
Monday - Friday: 6am - 8pm
Saturday and Sunday: 7am - 6pm


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We Accept the Following Payment Options:
trupanion pet insurance

• After 8PM emergency care provided by Veterinary Emergency Critical Care
• On-site staffed 24/7/365
• 10% Military Discounts on services

Online Scheduling & Mobile App
Check out our new Online Real-time scheduling program and Mobile App. Read More