Please only use this form if directed to by a member of Craig Road Animal Hospital’s staff as this form is used to authorize us to euthanize your pet.
With full understanding, the undersigned owner/agent hereby certifies that they are the owner or duly authorized agent for the owner of the animal described. The undersigned owner/agent gives the doctors of Craig Road Animal Hospital, their staff and representatives full and complete authority to euthanize and dispose of said animal in whatever manner the said doctors of the Craig Road Animal Hospital deem fit. The undersigned owner/agent releases the said doctors of Craig Road Animal Hospital, their staff and representatives from any and all liability for euthanizing and disposing of said animal. The undersigned owner/agent also certifies that to the best of their knowledge the said animal has not bitten any person or animal during the last ten (10) days and has not been exposed to rabies.
Pet owners have the option of a communal cremation or a private cremation. For a communal cremation, Craig Road Pet Cemetery will provide group cremation for owners who wish NOT TO HAVE REMAINS returned back to them. For a private cremation, Craig Road Pet Cemetery will cremate pets individually, for an additional charge, and remains are returned to a pet owner. Remains are returned to owners in an oak wooden urn, and there is an additional fee for a decorative urn of your choice.