Please only use this form if directed to by a member of Craig Road Animal Hospital’s staff as this form is used to authorize us to perform surgery on your pet.
You can also download this form Here
With full understanding, the undersigned owner/agent authorizes Craig Road veterinary staff to perform, under the anesthetic deemed advisable, said operation/procedure. I understand that further procedures may be therapeutically necessary based on findings during the operation/procedure. I consent to those procedures, their additional cost, and any unexpected lifesaving emergency care deemed necessary by the attending veterinarian. I understand that risks and potential complications exist with anesthesia and surgery and do not hold Craig Road Animal Hospital liable for those risks. Reasonable precautions will be used against injury, escape, or death of this pet. The veterinarians at Craig Road Animal Hospital are doctors of veterinary medicine with an interest in surgery. Board certified surgeons, also known as specialists, may be available to perform this procedure at other facilities. Our veterinarians recommend a specialist consultation whenever possible to ensure the most appropriate procedure, and surgeon, for your pet.