Our Pet of the Month for April 2020 is Starfire — an adorable 4-month-old kitty who had a rough start at life.
According to her owner, Starfire and her siblings were found abandoned in a cardboard box and were sent to a local adoption agency where the cats were fostered out. Starfire’s owner adopted her and her brother Gremlin when they were 12-weeks-old.
“I fell in love with her the moment I saw her sweet face,” her owner said. “I took her to see Dr. Finder who discovered Starfire and her brother had friends living in their ears. She also found that both kittens had Ringworm. Yuck!”
After a couple of days of having to put drops in her ears, Starfire and her brother are now ear mite free (hooray!) and visit Dr. Finder every day to get their ringworm medication. When not visiting her human friends at Craig Road Animal Hospital, Starfire enjoys running around and playing with her brother.
“The two of them look like one big kitten ball rolling around,” Starfire’s owner said. “She loves to attack her pig and her furry mice. She frequently carries the mice around in her mouth. Too adorable!” Starfire also makes her owner laugh with all the antics she gets into with her brother!
“I am grateful to all the folks at Craig Road for being there to do what they can to get Starfire and Gremlin completely healthy,” Starfire’s owner said. “She is the sweetest little thing and did not deserve to come into the world the way she did. I give my heartfelt thanks to all of you who have helped my Starfire and her brother.”
If you would like to submit your pet for Pet of the Month, please use the form here or email us at info@craigrd.com. Don’t forget to include a picture!