Meet Babka,
Babka is a seven-month-old French Bulldog. Inspired by his brindle colored fur, Babka’s name comes from a chocolate Russian coffee cake. According to owner Gail, his registered name with the American Kennel Club is “HRH Chocolate Chi Chee Babka.”
Babka is a smart pup who loves to play. His favorite toys are socks that he pulls from the freshly washed laundry. He can play fetch with the socks non-stop and loves for you to knot and throw them for him to retrieve. When asked what Babka’s favorite food is, Gail replied, “He would sell his soul for animal crackers, but he knows he has to sit in order to get the treat.”
Babka is a very smart, and clever, pup who realizes when owner Gail is sad or sick and instinctively knows to comfort her. After the sudden loss of her English bully Norton, Gail says Babka makes her feel whole again. Gail says Babka is a “mamma’s boy” who follows her everywhere. “We’ve tried to teach him to stay but when mamma gets up Babka is underfoot.”
Congratulations Babka! You’re our Pet of the Month for December 2017!