Kate originally hails from South Berwick in Maine.
In her senior year of high school, Kate was asked by a neighbor to help as he had a beef cow who was calving. “I went over there and I was helping the vet until two in the morning, says Kate. “But it was a lot of fun, so I started looking into it as a career.”
For her undergraduate degree in Animal Science, Kate went to the University of Maine where she confirmed that she was on the right career path. She is currently in her 4th year at the University of Virginia-Maryland, in Blacksburg Virginia, completing her 4th year of her doctorate in veterinary medicine.
Kate is particularly interested in Cardiology and internal medicine; “cardiology is my true love,” says Kate. “I just find in fascinating.” She is looking forward to working on her technical skills while at Craig Road, and applying some of the knowledge she has been learning.
In her spare time, Kate enjoys reading and horseback riding. She also enjoys hiking and taking trips with her mom and sister. Kate has a cat named Cassy and a 12-year-old black lab called Faith.
Welcome to Craig Road Animal Hospital Kate!